Beckstone Primary School

Bridging communities | Promoting learning and excellence | Shaping the future.

Eadie Street, Harrington, Workington, Cumbria CA14 5PX
01946 830423 | |


Your child is able to drink fresh milk at playtimes (it is served with a straw in 1/3 pint cartons delivered freshly to the school). If your child is in Nursery, Reception or is entitled to free school meals then they are offered free milk. Alternatively milk is available daily, payable on a half termly basis by ParentPay only, with no refunds for absence as the milk has to be ordered. (Prices may alter depending on the length of half term and price. Costs are in the appropriate newsletter and also updated on the ParentPay app.) Medical research shows that drinking milk enhances the development of teeth and bones and we would encourage take up of this provision.

Mid-Morning Snacks

Mid-morning snacks are provided for Nursery and Reception children and we ask for donation of £2 per week payable by ParentPay. (Prices may alter depending on the length of half term and price. Costs are in the appropriate newsletter and also updated on the ParentPay app.) Fruit is available for the rest of the school.

  • For children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 this is provided free under the free fruit scheme.
  • Children from year 1 upwards can also purchase fruit to eat in the playground for 25p a day – payable in advance on parentPay over half term as advised in the appropriate newsletter or on the ParentPay app.

Water & Drinks Policy

Every day we lose more than two litres of fluid through normal bodily functions, by evaporation when we breathe and sweat, and the waste products our bodies produce as they work. Fluid is also responsible for moving nutrients around the body and most of the chemical reactions within our cells take place in water. Our bodies are made of 70 per cent water, with most of our organs and all of our cells counting on fluid to keep them working properly. Therefore, it is critical to make sure hydration is maintained. To keep the children hydrated the school’s policy is:

  • Children can drink water only in classrooms in a bottle brought from home throughout the day but at times organised by the teacher so learning is not disrupted e.g. before or after a playtime, after P.E. etc. The only exception to this is if a Doctor has stated for health reasons another hydrating drink is needed.
  • There are water fountains freely available at break and lunchtimes
  • The school provides mid-morning milk (see above)
  • Water is provided with school meals. Children however are permitted to bring in another drink for lunchtime, if they wish, to accompany their lunch. As these drinks accompany food children can bring well diluted cordial (which does not contain preservatives, flavourings, colourings and sweeteners and is certainly not carbonated) or fresh juice cartons. These should be kept in their lockers and only drunk with their mid-day meal.