Beckstone Primary School

Bridging communities | Promoting learning and excellence | Shaping the future.

Eadie Street, Harrington, Workington, Cumbria CA14 5PX
01946 830423 | |

Governors play a pivotal role in the life of the school through strategic direction, agreeing policies and ensuring a high quality education for your child. Governors would welcome your views whether they be positive or negative.

Governors can be contacted by:

Over the course of each year you will be issued with a questionnaire and we would very much appreciate a response from you so that we can target provision and continue to improve our service to you.

Instrument of Government Governor Support Team Website A Competency Framework for Governance Governance Guide for Schools Current Governor Gallery Governing Board Membership 2023-2024 Governing Board Attendance 2023-2024 Register of Personal & Pecuniary Interests 2023-2024 Education Jargon Buster Glossary