The latest outcomes were:

We hope that the information on our website and monthly newsletters are useful in keeping you updated on what's going on at Beckstone Primary School.
We would very much welcome your feedback either verbally or in writing.
Please use the Parents' Suggestions box at the top of the school hill or email us at the address below.
If ever you wish anything to be included in a newsletter then please do let us know
Parents will receive a questionnaire annually with the backing of the Governors to assess the school’s strengths and to develop any perceived areas of weakness. The information we receive will help us to continually improve in order to provide the highest quality service for the local community and the highest quality teaching and learning for all our pupils now and into the future. We hope that you take the time to complete this as your views are greatly valued and welcomed.
Please note that we welcome ideas and suggestions for improvement at any time, not just via the questionnaire, from everyone and often incorporate them into the School Improvement Plan. Never hesitate to give us good ideas. There is a box for parental suggestions in the entrance hall, an electronic version (see above) or simply approach a member of staff with your ideas!
The outcome of the last Parents’ Questionnaire showed the approval rating for the core business of the school as extremely high in all categories and we are very proud of the results. The written comments that many parents provided were also analysed and sorted into year groups in order to target further improvements. Your child will take part in a pupil questionnaire every year and their responses also feed into our improvement plans.
Finally, when the school receives its next Ofsted inspection you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire called ‘Parent View’. We hope that as many of you as possible respond to this when the time arises (in approximately 3 years’ time), the notice will be short and you will need to complete it within 24 hours.
The latest outcomes were: