This is now available to families with children of Nursery age. To receive the 30 hours offer then Nursery parents MUST have applied before the end of a term prior to starting school. We have been informed that if parents apply after a term ends they will not be able to take up the offer until a term later.
To be eligible you need to fulfil the conditions as described on the flyer below.
The 30 hours offer extends the 15 hour Nursery teaching session over a week. These hours are optional and can be used across 2 providers and can be ‘banked; for holiday care at another provider if wished. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure they use their hours accordingly (they don’t have to be used at all).
The ‘extra’ 15 hours a week can be used for afternoon Nursery sessions or for our extended services e.g. a child could stay for a number of full working days in a week.
If your child is in school during lunchtime there will be an additional cost, currently £3.00 per day to cover lunch and care costs – there are no facilities for storing packed lunches or additional adult support for opening packets etc.