At Beckstone Primary School, we believe that our curriculum provides an excellent foundation for our children to develop as both individuals and collaborative learners. We believe our children are empowered to reach their potential whilst holding dear the important value of mutual respect for everyone in their community.
At Beckstone – every children really does matter and we make a difference to every child.
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens and offer a whole school consistency which allows our children to become reflective, resilient life- long learners.
The aim of our provision is to encourage and foster a love for learning. We believe it is the key to academic success and we are continually striving to improve outcomes for our children and their families.
Our curriculum is designed to allow children to embark on new adventures and discover the unknown; inspiring a love of learning and a determination to succeed.
Our curriculum intent is implemented throughout all subjects and curriculum activities. We strive to ensure that we provide a broad and balanced learning experience for every child at Beckstone.
Curriculum overviews are created on a two year cycle for each stage ensuring clarity of coverage with a strong emphasis on progression of knowledge and skills. These key concepts and skills are revisited across each stage. Some of our content is subject specific whilst other content is combined in a cross-curricular approach enabling us to put knowledge into context. Carefully selected enrichment opportunities are key to providing all pupils with rich experiences to enhance their learning.
This clear strategic planning means that our curriculum to unique and adapts to our children’s needs. Having high expectations in all areas enables the best possible outcomes and an enjoyable and exciting learning journey. Formative and summative assessment takes place to ensure that teaching and learning is well-matched to learners.
The use of Knowledge Organisers and Knowledge Notes provide transparency within the curriculum and are an overview of pre-taught content. They also provide a means of tracking knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts, which are also regularly revisited in the form of retrieval exercises. This regular revisiting enables knowledge to be committed to long-term memory.
Our whole school team approach strengthens our ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward next steps. Learning is measured through careful analysis of application of skills across the curriculum; showing how acquisition of knowledge is enhanced by expectations to evidence quality thinking and demonstrate individual understanding.
The impact of our curriculum is measured in terms of the extent to which pupils have developed new knowledge, understanding and skills and that they can use and recall these with fluency.
This will be measured by:
What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.