Use a range of social skills in different contexts
- We enjoy whole School celebrations of national events such as our St George's Day Parade and Royal Wedding Garden Party
- Summer Trips are organised for all children from Nursery to Year 6
- Our choir visit Manchester each year to sing in the Young Voices concert.
Participate in a variety of communities and social settings
These events are held regularly over a school year.
- Christmas Fair
- Carols in the Square
- Singing for the Community
- Harvest and Christmas performances in church
- Bingo Nights
- Singing in Care Homes/Disability Trust
- Hosting over 55 lunches
- East Croft Crafts
Cooperate well with others and be able to resolve conflicts effectively
- Our Y6 Buddies look after KS1 playtime games and help out on the yard.
- School Councillors also play a role in feeding back issues across school to Mr Warbrick in their termly meetings.
Know that the rule of law protects the rights of individual citizens and is essential for their well-being and safety
- Internet Safety Week and Democracy Rules week give our children a clear understanding of how to keep themselves safe and what is written in law to protect them.
Understand and appreciate the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their heritage and those of others
- Assemblies and activities are planned throughout the year to give our children experience of different cultural experiences
Understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
- Our curriculum is planned to ensure our children learn about a range of religions. We use Picture News to make sure our pupils have an up to date understanding of current affairs.
Know about Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and it central role in shaping our history and values and in continuing to develop Britain
- Democracy Rules Week is key in giving our children the knowledge they need to know how parliament and democracy works in our country. A visit from our local MP engaged the children in their learning and Y6 children visit Workington Magistrate Court
Participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
We offer a huge range of opportunities across school including:
- M and M Productions - twice a year, the children watch a live performance
- Sporting Values Trophies are awarded termly to children who embody the values of honesty, teamwork, determination, passion, respect and self-belief
- The Golden Mile run which all children take part in regularly.
- Our school and Cluster school swimming gala
- Reponses to offers and competition wins as they arise e.g. working with a Beano artist for the day, meeting fundraisers Paddy and Max and Lost Words charity walker
- Rock Challenge entry
- Olympian Talk in Health Week
Explore and show respect for different faiths, religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups, national and global communities.
- We raise money half termly for a range of charities. These charities support different communities and children are made aware of how their money makes a difference. We also hold a Macmillan Coffee morning yearly, donate uniform to children in Moldova.
Reflect on their beliefs, religious or otherwise , that form their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
- Our local vicar, Reverend Powley holds assemblies to celebrate key Christian festivals
- There is always a group of children who volunteer to represent Beckstone in the community Remembrance Day Parade
- The NISCU Puppet show provides the children with another way to reflect on different values and faiths
Sense enjoyment and fascination when learning about themselves, others and the world around them
- Our children love to share their successes in assemblies and any child who wishes to do so is given the opportunity.
- Class assemblies give classes the opportunity to show their enjoyment of their learning and share it with parents.
- Staff and children take part in the Gurning and egg dump assemblies and if staff take part in activities outside of school, they are celebrated with the children too.
- We take part in the Living Eggs initiative and the hatching eggs are shared on “Chick Cam” which is a live feed. Therefore we can all get involved in the hatching experience!
Use imagination and creativity in their learning
- We plan for the development of creativity in our curriculum and celebrate this with the Creativity Cup. This is awarded termly to one child who shows their creativity in any area of learning.
Reflect willingly on their experiences
- One of our stages in learning is built upon reflection and evaluation so it is an integral part of our curriculum
- After any sporting event, we have a Sports Report which is written and presented in assembly by one of the children who attended the event.
Recognise the difference between right and wrong and readily apply their understanding in their lives
- Our children play a leading role in Anti -Bullying Week every year. Y6 or BIG group lead presentations following a key theme.
- Our Learning Support Manager works closely with children who need one to one support
- Debbie’s Circle Time uses stories to help children recognise and discuss moral and social issues that they face in the world today.
Understand legal boundaries and, in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England
- In Year 5/6, the children visit the local magistrate court. This enhances their understanding of how the law works and the impact rules have on society.
Understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions
- Our behaviour policy , circle time and use of Golden Time give our children a very clear understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions.
- All the children in school from Reception to Year Six take part in Anti Bullying week. In recent years, we have set up an Appreciation Station and pledged to make changes in school and across the community.
Investigate and offer reasoned view about the moral and ethical issues and understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues
- Our Fairtrade and What a Wonderful World Week gives a focus to understanding the ethical issues surrounding Fair trade and farmer’s rights.
Know about and respect the public institutes and services in England
- Y6 children take part in National Takeover Day every year. They take on the role of members of staff across school including kitchen staff, teachers and Mr Warbrick!
- All Y3 children enjoy “Little Lifer’s” first aid training and this is topped up in Y6 when the children have First Aid Training for a whole day.
Develop an acceptance of other people, understanding the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination
- Debbie’s Roving Circle Time is delivered termly in each class. Debbie uses stories to introduce topics such as discrimination, tolerance and friendship to children from Nursery to Year 6
Support for our parents and understanding our community
To help parents and carers access a range of literature
- We hold a Scholastic book fair twice a year. Any profits rasied are fed back into classrooms or into our Lending Library
- Our Lending Library is available in the corridors in school. Books are updated twice a year and are available for anyone to borrow.
- We run paired reading across school where older children have a reading buddy with whom they share books.
- Our Off By Heart Poetry recitals are held twice a year. One Off By Heart recital showcases individual children who have learnt a poem and can recite it for us all in assembly. The second is a choral challenge in which classes share their performances and we choose the one we enjoyed the most. Over their time in school – children will learn 12 poems off by heart!
- Play in a Day is performed by Y6 during World Book Day. A day in which we all celebrate reading and our favourite stories
- Beckstone Primary School has a Reading Tree. Class stories are chosen from this range of books to make sure our children hear a wide range of fiction.
To encourage our children to be confident in using a wide vocabulary
- We run a Banagram club after school and all Y3 receive a dictionary donation from our local Rotary club.
- We also create a 'Vital Vocabulary' sheet of any key words that we learn during our topic. These words are also displayed in our classrooms.
- Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on using and understanding vocabulary
To give our children the time and support to take part in learning outside of school hours
- Our Curriculum Evenings give parents the information and timetables they need to make sure their children are prepared for the school day. They also receive learning overviews and suggestions for family days out which would support learning.
- Morning and Lunchtime clubs run daily so children can complete homework and access IT programmes which boost basic skills
- Booster clubs in Y6 are run by the head teacher and the deputy head teacher every year.
- Breakfast club and Beckstone Xtra are organised so children have access to help and space where they can read or complete homework.
To give our children access to a range of cultural experiences
- M and M Productions perform twice a year to give the children an opportunity to see a live performance. We also work with Rosehill Theatre, storytellers and Play in a Day. We hold cinema nights so children can watch films with their friends. Rock Challenge gives children the opportunity to perform to a wider audience in Carlisle. We are a sporting school and we take part in a number of competitions
To be an open and friendly school in the heart of our community.
- We pride ourselves in having an open door policy. Our parent questionnaires always emphasise the fact that parents and carers feel able to discuss issues and feel supported by school. Our Learning Support Manager runs a Parent and Toddler Club to introduce new parents to our setting.
- We make sure our children understand their role as active citizens through their work with the community.
- The head teacher or deputy head teacher are always at the front of school at the end of the school day so they are available to speak to parents and children
- We use Seesaw and Tapestry to share our learning in school with children's families. They are able to do the same and share photos of events that happen outside of school.