The children take home a newsletter from the school once a month and dates of events are on the back page. The newsletter can be viewed on our website in the "News & Events" section. All diary dates are also entered into our School Calendar, above.
Please take note of any dates for the following events which are a minimum of what is usually happening during the course of a normal school year.
- Individual/Sibling photographs
- Parents' Evenings
- Harvest Collection
- Book Fair
- Secondary Transfer Parents' Meetings
- Non Uniform Day(s)
- Halloween Disco
- Mobile Library Visit
- Visiting Theatre Group
- Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
- Christmas Performances
- Christmas Parties
- Carol Concerts including
Allerdale Disability &
Carols in the Square
- Christmas Raffle
- Church Service
- Parents' Evenings
- Sponsored Events
- Visiting Theatre Group
- Book Fair
- Bingo Night
- Non Uniform Day
- World Book Day
- Mobile Library Visit
- School Swimming Gala
- Regular football/netball matches
- Regular year group trips/visits
- Yearly class assemblies
- 'SAT' tests for all children in
Year 2 & 6 and other tests for
the other years
- Phonics Screening Check for Year 1 Pupils
- Workington Swimming Gala
- Sports Day
- Non Uniform Day(s)
- Sponsored Event
- Class/Whole School photograph
- Induction events for new starters
and secondary transfers
- Mobile Library visit
- School performance
- Visiting Theatre Group
- End of Year Report
- Year 6 Leavers
Presentations & Graduation