Beckstone Primary School

Bridging communities | Promoting learning and excellence | Shaping the future.

Eadie Street, Harrington, Workington, Cumbria CA14 5PX
01946 830423 | |

It has been agreed by the governors of the school that uniform is compulsory. The emphasis is on smart dress (not fashion!).

The uniform consists of:

  • School sweat shirt*, school fleece*, school T shirt*, polo shirt* or white shirt
  • Grey or black tailored trousers or knee length skirts
    (not sports trousers/tracksuit trousers)
  • Dark deck shorts or blue gingham or pinafore dresses
  • Low heeled footwear, shoes or trainers.
    These need to be black with no promotional logos.

Hats may be worn in the playground for protection against the weather . . . wind & sun! School baseball caps* are available.

Hairstyles must not be extreme and any hair dye should be in natural colours. Make up is strictly not allowed.

* The items listed with an asterisk are available from the School Office.

View all our uniform items here:

Border Embroideries Logo

Whilst on the subject of clothing please try and ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on all their clothing to avoid loss and ease of identification. We endeavour to return all named clothing promptly from the ‘Lost Property’ box. It is the responsibility of the pupils to look after their own clothing.

P.E. Kits

PE Kits - Your child can come in PE Kit on 2 days a week from KS1 up - school or light blue T shirt (NOT football tops or branded sportswear), plain and dark leggings or tracksuit trousers. They MUST wear a school uniform sweatshirt or cardigan on top unless it is a non-uniform day and black trainers. Your child will need plimsolls and shorts that can be left in their locker.

EY children will need to have their PE Kit in school as they will learn to change too (a life skill). Their PE Kit is a light blue T shirt and black shorts plus plimsolls.