Beckstone Primary School

Bridging communities | Promoting learning and excellence | Shaping the future.

Eadie Street, Harrington, Workington, Cumbria CA14 5PX
01946 830423 | |

Summer Term 2024

Eleanor from Y1 was awarded the Blain Rooney Sporting Cup. She is an absolute superstar and gives 100% to whatever is asked of her in sport. She displays all our sporting values and is a polite, respectful and caring young lady. She has already represented Beckstone at a number of competitions and stands out as a great sportswoman.

Summer Term 2024

Tom from Year 2 was chosen for this trophy as he is a fantastic sportsman & a good all rounder. He is polite, kind, helpful, always listens and supports his classmates. He takes winning & losing either way and has a wonderful attitude. He shows all our sporting values and is well deserving of this award.

Spring Term 2024

The trophy was awarded to Zac. He was chosen as the sports trophy winner for Y3. He was chosen as he is quietly confident, always ready to take on any challenge and is a very talented young sportsman. He possesses all of our sporting values: Teamwork, Self Belief, Passion, Determination, Honesty and Respect.

Spring Term 2024

The Blain Rooney Sporting Cup winner was Annabel. She was chosen as the sports trophy winner for LKS2, she is football mad! At least once a week Annabel tells us about the matches she is competing in, it is clear how much she adores playing football. We hope this award shows her how proud we all are of her sporting achievements.

Autumn Term 2023

The trophy was awarded to Zach as he possesses all of the school’s sporting values. He is an outstanding all-round young sportsman who will excel in any sport he chooses. He puts 100% effort into any sporting activity but also encourages and respects the others around him. This makes him an excellent team player, promoting fairness and treating winning or losing with the same dignity and grace.

Autumn Term 2023

The first recipient of this trophy is Scarlette from Year 6. She was chosen as she has been an integral part of our ongoing Sporting success. She possesses all of Beckstone’s Sporting Values and takes on any challenge and always gives 100% effort. She was presented with the award and a medal by Mr Rooney himself in assembly yesterday.