Beckstone Primary School

Bridging communities | Promoting learning and excellence | Shaping the future.

Eadie Street, Harrington, Workington, Cumbria CA14 5PX
01946 830423 | |

Mrs Henderson has donated a 'Creativity Cup' to the school which is to be awarded
to pupils who have shown a flair for their work in 'The Arts'.

Spring Term 2025

The Creativity Cup was won by Luca from Year 4. He was chosen for his amazing creative writing, art work and his exciting and stimulating presentation of his work. His exercise books are a wonder to behold and were shared with the school in assembly.

Autumn Term 2024

Sophia from Y1 was awarded the Creativity Cup for her creative drama skills, she can take on the roles of different characters effortlessly and can give them their own unique voices too. Her classmates enjoy watching her.

Autumn Term 2024

Nursery decided to give Allie the creativity cup as she is never far away from our writing table – Allie is only 3 years old and she can colour perfectly in the lines, draw fantastic pictures of rainbows and very detailed faces, she can even write her first, middle and last name. Allie also loves to dance; she can remember all our routines and never misses a beat – well done Allie!

Summer Term 2024

Koa from Nursery was chosen for this trophy

He has fabulous, imaginative skills which he puts into use in every day activities. He is also a keen dancer, picking up routines well and showing his amazing moves always with a huge smile.

Summer Term 2024

Myler-Joey from Year 4 was chosen for the Creativity Cup.

He can produce absolutely magnificent art work as well as amazing and creative writing. His exercise books are a wonder to behold with excellent illustrations alongside his work. A worthy winner.

Spring Term 2024

Jasmine from Year 5 won the trophy.

Jasmine is an amazing artist, a fabulous story writer and an all-round creative thinker. Her amazing workbooks were shared with the school in assembly and all were very impressed with her work.

Spring Term 2024

Isabella won the Creativity Cup because she is an incredible artist. She can mimic artists' styles easily, can use various techniques including painting, sculpture and drawing, with ease and precision and really enjoys creating individual art works. Isabella always chooses to draw and colour in free time and she also loves being creative in other pursuits such as dance and gymnastics too.

Autumn Term 2023

Isabella from Reception was awarded the Creativity Cup today.

Isabella is really creative and makes great use of all that is offered, making collages, jewellery, tickets for her own shows and much more. She has even decorated her shoes. Isabella has a lively imagination and her teacher can’t wait to see what she will come up with next.

Autumn Term 2023

Charlie from Nursery has only been at school a few weeks and already has produced massive amounts of creative work.

He spends a lot of his time in the writing area drawing pictures and writing about them. His favourite things to draw are his family, dinosaurs and rainbows. Although only 3 he can discuss in detail what he has drawn and his imagination runs wild.

Summer Term 2023

Alex from Nursery was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term for his creative approach to all aspects of his work in Nursery.

He is a worthy winner.

Summer Term 2023

Isabelle was chosen as the LKS2 winner of the Creativity Cup for her creative flair and her DT skills.

Her recently made book cover required precise measuring, accurate design and top quality sewing and she was able to achieve all of these with ease.

Summer Term 2023

Boe from Nursery was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term.

She was chosen as she is always kind to her friends.

Spring Term 2023

Tom is a very worthy winner of the creativity Cup. He has a creative approach and flair for all that he does. Examples of how creative he is across the curriculum are shown here.

Spring Term 2023

Joshua from Year 2 won the Creativity Cup.

He was chosen not only for his creative flair in art and model making but also for his amazing creative writing. Recently he wrote and made a book at home and this inspired many of his classmates to do the same.

Autumn Term 2022

Tommy from Reception was chosen for his creative flair and for his excellent artistic work across the curriculum.

He shared a telescope he had made after seeing one in the classroom and a lovely drawing of poppies in the assembly.

Autumn Term 2022

Sienna has won the Creativity Cup for the first half term of Autumn as she can always be found at the creativity/writing table making a masterpiece for Mammy.

She is always very proud of her work and is keen to show staff her work. All Nursery are proud of her.

Summer Term 2022

Ivy from Nursery was awarded the Creativity Cup.

She was chosen for her creative approach to all that she does and in particular for her artistic flair.

Summer Term 2022

Mae from Year 2 was awarded the Creativity Cup.

She was awarded the cup for approaching all aspects of her studies and school life in general in a very creative manner. A worthy winner!

Spring Term 2022

Sofia in Y4 won the Creativity Cup for this half term.

She was chosen for her amazing creative writing and fantastic descriptions, her wonderful art work and very descriptive and emotive poetry. A well deserved trophy winner.

Spring Term 2022

Alfie in Y6 won the Creativity Cup he previously won in Y1.

He was chosen due to his all-round creativity, in art and in English he excels and his written work and poetry is particularly creative.

Autumn Term 2021

Rosanna from Reception is the winner of the Creativity Cup this half term.

She was chosen for the artistic flair and great imagination she has in all aspects of her Reception work.

Summer Term 2021

Ethan from Year 5 is the winner of the Creativity Cup.

He has a creative approach to most things, he can write stories in Roald Dahl fashion and is extremely gifted as an artist. An example is the landscape water colour behind his left shoulder.

Spring Term 2021

The winner for this half term was Lyla from Nursery.

Lyla will draw, paint and use all creative resources in Nursery at every opportunity. She has lots of ideas and has a great imagination. Lyla will draw pictures to tell you about events she has remembered from home and which she has seen. Well done Lyla.

Autumn Term 2020

The winner for this half term was Harvey from Year 5.

He was chosen for his fantastic art work. His work shows phenomenal detail and he takes time to produce work of the highest quality. A very deserving trophy winner.

Spring Term 2020

The winner for this half term was Neve from Year 6.

She has a very talented and creative flair and applies this to her wonderful art work, her creative writing and indeed all aspects of her learning. A deserving winner.

Spring Term 2020

The winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term was Remi from Reception.

She has a real flair for art, detail and pattern and all were impressed with the art work shown in assembly.

Autumn Term 2019

Ethan from Year 4 was awarded the Creativity Cup this morning
(1st November) for this half term.

He was awarded it for his excellent art work and drawing skills as well as his creative writing and fantastic use of vocabulary.

Autumn Term 2019

Lottie from Nursery was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term.

She was awarded it for her creative approach to all aspects of Nursery life and for her creative flair for dancing both in and out of school.

Summer Term 2019

Jack from Reception won the final Creativity Cup of the year.

He has a creative approach to all that he tackles in school and has a great imagination that is reflected in his many creative projects.

Summer Term 2019

The Creativity Cup for this half term is shared by two Nursery children, Ophelia and Luca. Ophelia has a great flair for all things artistic and brings her creativity into all aspects of her work including maths. She showed off her dancing skills on stage when she was awarded the trophy. Luca equally has a strong artistic flair and his artwork and model making are of excellent quality.

Summer Term 2019

Dylan from Year 1 was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term. She was awarded it for her all round artistic flair which she applies to all aspects of her work.

Spring Term 2019

Bailey was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term in assembly this morning. He was awarded it for his all-round creative approach to all of his tasks. His teacher showed all his books to the assembly and the quality of work was phenomenal.

Spring Term 2019

Alex was awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term. He was awarded it for his all round creative approach to all of his tasks. He also has a real fair for art and his drawings are amazing!

Autumn Term 2018

Kobie from year 5 is the winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term. She has a real talent for drawing and art in general and really impressed everyone with her sketch book which she shared in assembly.

Autumn Term 2018

The first Creativity Cup winner of this school year is Willow from Blue group in Nursery. She has impressed the staff with her all round creative talents and is a worthy winner.

Summer Term 2018

The Creativity Cup was won by Harper from Nursery. She is creative in all aspects of Nursery life, in her art work, in her dancing, in her modelling and her role play. She impresses all the Nursery staff with her creativity.

Summer Term 2018

Alexa Rose from Year 2 was the winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term. She was chosen from Years 1 & 2 for her artistic and creative writing talents which never cease to amaze.

Spring Term 2018

Darcey from Year 6 is the latest winner of the Creativity Cup. She is creative in all areas of the curriculum and her enthusiasm at tackling any task is a wonder to behold. Darcey's creative writing, art work and gymnastics really show her creative side and she also works on projects at home to enrich her learning in school. A well deserved winner!

Spring Term 2018

Tom from Reception was awarded the Creativity Cup due to his artistic leanings and in particular his observational drawings which are of a very high standard for his age.

Autumn Term 2017

Neve from Year 4 was chosen for the Creativity Cup for the second half of the Autumn term 2017 for her artistic flair. She is always carrying pens around to draw, design and create amazing pieces of art work.

Autumn Term 2017

We are delighted to present Bella with the creativity cup for Nursery for her wonderful imagination and outstanding work in all areas of creativity. She loves to sing, dance, play in role, draw, write, paint and get involved with any media inside and outdoors.

Summer Term 2017

Jaxx from Nursery has been awarded the Creativity Cup for the second half of this term. He was chosen as his creative attitude to all that he does in Nursery shines through from play to writing to drawing.

Summer Term 2017

The winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term is Alfie from Year 1. He shows his creative skills in all that he does from his story writing to his art work indeed in all aspects of the curriculum.

Spring Term 2017

Amy from Year 5 was the winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term. She was chosen from Years 5 & 6 for her artistic and creative writing talents which never cease to amaze. A worthy winner.

Spring Term 2017

The winner of the Creativity cup for this half term is Cameron from Reception. He was chosen for his artistic approach to all he does, his creative skills and his drama.

Autumn Term 2017

Harvey from Year 3 is the latest winner of the Creativity Cup. He is very creative, particularly with modelling, and he thinks 'outside the box'. An example of this was him creating the 3D Lego representations at home of the hieroglyphs of his name which can be seen at the bottom of the photo.

Autumn Term 2016

Our first Creativity Cup winner this year is Dylan from Nursery. She was chosen for her creative and artistic nature and her wonderful drawing and painting. She loves to sing, dance, play in role, draw, write, paint and get involved with any media inside and outdoors.

Summer Term 2016

Holly from Nursery won the Creativity Cup. She was chosen for her all round creativity, from her work in class, to singing her number bonds, to drama, to her computing skills. She is a worthy winner!

Summer Term 2016

Alex from Year 2 is the Creativity Cup winner for the first half of the Summer Term. He was chosen for his creative writing which is very exciting to read and of a high quality for his age.

Spring Term 2016

The latest Creativity Cup winner is Ethan from Year 6 He was chosen as he has produced some fantastic art work this year - he takes his time and always edits and improves his work.

Spring Term 2016

Harvey from reception was chosen as the Creativity Cup winner for this half term. He was chosen as he clearly demonstrates a creative flair, is very artistic and is always willing to share and help others with their creative work.

Autumn Term 2015

Robbie is the new holder of the Creativity Cup. Robbie is in Year 4. He was chosen by the staff for his artistic talents. He loves drawing and draws very well. He also contributes greatly to the art on display in his classroom.

Summer Term 2015

Alex from Nursery is this half term's winner of the Creativity Cup. He is very artistic and creative in all that he does. He is very adept at modelling in various materials e.g. clay, junk and is also very artistic and good at designing.

Summer Term 2015

Congratulations go to Libby from year 6 who is the new holder of the school's 'Creativity Cup'. She was chosen for her high standard of work in all areas of the curriculum and for her artistic presentation and all round creative flair.

Spring Term 2015

Samuel from Year 2 is the new holder of the school's 'Creativity Cup'. He was chosen as he is a fantastically creative person. He is a very talented artist and has developed a cartoon-like style of drawing. He has a keen eye for details and becomes engrossed in his art work.

Spring Term 2015

Keelan has been awarded the Creativity Cup for this half term for his passion for drawing, making, being creative with his writing and his singing and dancing. An all round creative child!

Autumn Term 2014

Dylan was chosen for his high standard of art work throughout Year 3 and for his research at home into Ancient Egyptian art which helped create an authentic looking Egyptian God, Anubis, on parchment paper.

Summer Term 2014

Erin from the Afternoon Nursery is the current holder of the school's 'Creativity Cup'. She was awarded the cup for this half term for her excellent observational drawing skills.

Summer Term 2014

The Creativity Cup was awarded to Tyler from 5/6AS. She was chosen for her artistic flair and her excellent dramatic skills. She was awarded the cup for this half term for her excellent observational drawing skills.

Spring Term 2014

Luke from Year 1 is the winner of the Creativity Cup for this half term. He has been awarded the cup for his love of drawing at home and at school. He regularly comes to school with an armful of his art work!

Spring Term 2014

Oscar from RMP is the holder of the Creativity Cup for the first half of the Spring term. He was chosen out of Reception for the creativity of his thinking and for his impressive art work.

Autumn Term 2013

Tilly from Nursery has won the Creativity Cup for this half term. She has been awarded the cup for for her creative flair in all tasks.

Autumn Term 2013

Emily was chosen not only for her all round artistic and creative approach to her work. She is also very good at acting and dramatization.

Summer Term 2013

The winner of the Creativity Cup for the second half of the summer term was Holly from Nursery. She was awarded it for her all round artistic talents that light up Nursery!

Summer Term 2013

The winner of the Creativity Cup for the first half of the Spring Term is Beth from Year 6. She was awarded the trophy for her artistic skills and flair as well as her very imaginative ideas that are reflected excellently in her writing.

Spring Term 2013

This has been awarded to Layla in Year 1 for her creative artistic work. As well as producing excellent work at school Layla also spends time at home working on artistic projects relating to what she is learning in class and brings them in to share with her class. She has some lovely ideas and works in a range of media.

Spring Term 2013

Alfie from Reception won the Creativity Cup for this half term for his talent at 3-D Modelling. He plans and builds really effective models and has impressed the staff with his modelling skills.

Autumn Term 2012

Ben from 3/4JO has won the Creativity Cup for this half term. He won it for his creative writing and creative ICT skills, particularly computer programming at such a young age.

Autumn Term 2012

Jake from Year 2 has won the Creativity Cup for this half term. He has been awarded the cup for his artistic talents, particularly his talent for creating cartoon comic characters.

Summer Term 2012

The Creativity Cup for this half term was awarded in assembly recently to Macey from Nursery for her wide range of artistic talents!

Spring Term 2012

The Creativity Cup for this half term was awarded in assembly to Elena from Year 6 class for her wide range of artistic, dance, musical and innovative thinking skills and talents!

Spring Term 2012

Laura from Year 1 & 2 has won the Creativity Cup for the first half of the Spring term. She has been chosen for her all round artistic talents.

Autumn Term 2011

Karmen from Reception has won the Creativity Cup for the second half of the Autumn term. She has been chosen for her all round artistic talents.

Autumn Term 2011

Lauren has won the Creativity Cup for the autumn term. She has been chosen for her outstanding singing talent.

Summer Term 2011

The winner for summer half term is Emily from Reception who is a very talented artist and produces work of a very high quality.

Spring Term 2011

The winner for summer half term is Ellie from Year 3 who is a very talented artist and produces work of a very high quality.

Spring Term 2011

Rudi, from Nursery, won the Creativity Cup in the second half of the Spring Term for his excellent drawing skills.

Spring Term 2011

Olivia, from Year 2, is the holder for this half term. She has received the trophy for her excellent and expressive literacy skills as well as the accompanying art work. Olivia is becoming a prolific writer and has already written a series of books centring around her character 'Billy Bear'!

Autumn Term 2010

The winner for autumn half term and the initial holder of the trophy was Mina from Year 5 who is a very talented artist and produces work of a very high quality.