Start of Week 2 . . .
Warm up . . .
The game begins . . .
Snack time
Designing our Superheroes
Superhero of the day for his teamwork
A chilled out breakfast
Outdoor play
Moving inside to escape the rain
Beckstone Pizzeria
The sun has got his hat on . . .
Snack time
Making our own Superheroes . . .
. . . and here they are.
Our Superhero of the day for his thoughtfulness towards others and overall kindness through the day.
Morning warm up and friendly game of dodgeball.
Snack time
Making Superhero masks
Building fun
Lunch time
Outdoor play
Computer time
Afternoon snack of dips and sticks
Designing Superhero comic books and buildings
Superhero of the day
Outdoor Play
Making and flying our Superhero aeroplanes
Making Superhero medals
Chillin' out on computers
Finished Superhero medals
A nice game of Tig on the fort
End of day relaxation
Superhero of the day today for helping others and always being cheerful.
A lovely morning for fun and games on the field
Row, row, row your boat . . .
Inside to cool down.
Dodgeball fun
Relaxing after lunch and making swords
Back outside to play
Afternoon snack
Think we had too much fun today!