Harrington Reservoir

On Wednesday 22nd October we had a super day at Harrington Reservoir working with Emma Jackson from Groundworks.

We took part in a number of activities to help us understand about the habitat and the creatures living within it.



We played a game to try and find the camouflaged worms as Song Thrushes.

We found different coloured objects available naturally in the environment.


We learnt the calls of different birds, including Mallard Ducks, Bitterns, Reed Warblers and Barn Owls.


 We built a habitat for one of the birds we'd learnt about.

We made a bird food chain with suitable foods and learnt what is safe and dangerous to feed the birds.


We had a good walk around The Rezzer and learnt about the water levels and management using trees.

We saw bird houses for both Barn Owls and Tawny Owls. We were even lucky enough to see a pair of red squirrels!


Thankfully the weather held off only 10 minutes before we headed back to school.

Emma worked with us continuing our activities and learning in the afternoon.