

We have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Divali which takes place on 3rd November.

Divali is also called the Festival of Light. Hindus decorate their houses with Diva lamps to remember the story of Rama and Sita.

We made shadow puppets of the main characters.

Rangoli patterns are drawn to welcome visitors to their homes. They are also thought to welcome the Goddess of Wealth.

Cards and small gifts are given to family and friends. Hindus often make special Divali sweets called Barfi. We made some in class.

Rama and Lakshmana were devastated when they found Sita was gone. They met Hanuman, the king of the monkeys, who promised to help.

Hanuman found Sita and, with the help of his army, built a bridge to rescue her.

After many days of fierce fighting the demons were defeated.

Rama shot a magic arrow and killed Ravana.

Diva lamps were lit to help Rama and Sita find their way home.

Please click below to view a video of our assembly.