
Our new RE topic is Judaism. We have been learning all about the Mezuzah and why it is so special to Jewish people.

The Mezuzah is a small box with a scroll inside. It is found on a Jewish person's door.

The scroll inside the Mezuzah is called the Shema. This is a passage of the Torah which tells Jews to love God with all their heart and soul.

The Mezuzah is positioned on the door on a slant because people disagreed as to whether it should be positioned horizontally or vertically.

When Jewish people pass the Mezuzah, they touch it to remember God.

We made our own Mezuzahs and decorated them with images of things that were special to us.

We then wrote a Shema and put it inside:

Dear God. Thank you for making everything in my life so special. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for my family and friends. Amen.

Dear Lord. Thank you for making my family, me and everyone else who has a good heart. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for making my dreams come true. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for my life. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for my sisters. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for giving me the best teacher in the world. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for loving me and for caring for me. Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for helping me with my mistakes. Amen.

Dear God. Please make every day of my life happy. Thank you and Amen.

Dear God. Thank you for the buzzing bees, thank you for our families. Thank you for everything in the world. Amen.



Demi Emily
Amelie Callum Casey
Connor Dylan Holly
Jake Jay Jessica
Laura Lewis Lois
Luke K Luke M Millie
Olivia Owen Phoebe
Robbie Sean Teejay
Tegan William Yasmin