Living things and their habitats - Working scientifically

In science this term, we have been exploring the similarities and differences in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, birds and insects. We have also explored how living things reproduce. To conclude our learning, we discovered that some plants (flowering) reproduce sexually (via pollination) and non-flowering plants reproduce asexually - meaning they make identical copies of themselves. We discovered that potatoes grow "tubers" to help them reproduce.

We applied our science knowledge and worked scientifically. We had a range of potatoes with sprouting buds. We investigated these and concluded that they are trying to grow a new plant! We planted a potato in the garden and kept one in the back of the class. We are going to observe over the next few weeks to see if the potato will be able to reproduce. Lots of members of our class think the one in the soil will, however, believe that the one in the classroom won't as it does not have the nutrients the soil provides; sunlight and water.

We will update you when we know more!

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